FranceGreeceHungaryItalyPortugalSpain More European countries implement ”Pre-Filled” VAT returns 08 March 20231,063 views
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European Union Overview of the VAT rate reductions on Energy (Electricity, Gas, Heating, … ) in the EU Member States 07 September 20221,084 views
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European Union EU VAT Directive 2006/112/EC Explained – Selected ”may” articles 18 June 2022687 views
European Union Good things to remember: New E-Commerce VAT rules launched in the EU per July 1, 2021 04 May 2022275 views
European Union EU VAT Reforms – An ambitious agenda, between success stories and standstills 24 October 2021639 views
World Carbon tax … the new hype? Which countries have/will implement(ed) it? 13 October 2021143 views
European Union Overview of the European Union VAT Directives, Implementing regulation, Council decisions 09 October 20213,188 views
European Union Transposition/ correlation/ conversion table: Sixth EU VAT Council Directive (77/388/EEC) vs. VAT Directive 2006/112/EC 19 August 2021935 views
European Union SAF-T (or equivalent) regulations in Europe: 14 countries implemented (or will implement), all in a different way 18 August 20215,060 views
European UnionNorwaySwitzerlandUnited Kingdom VAT Rates in the EU + CH + GB + NO 03 August 2021531 views