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Malta 2024 eInvoicing Country Sheet

The Ministry of Finance in Malta has transposed the Directive 2014/55/EU through Legal Notices 403 and 404 of 2018 under the Financial Administration and Audit Act and the Local Councils Act. The transposition included...

EN16931 – Standard for E-Invoicing in Europe

Standard EN16931 was adopted by CEN in 2017 and is used for B2G e-invoicing in the EU The European Commission estimates €240 billion in savings over six years with electronic invoicing Directive 2014/55/EU aims to...

Peppol Message Responses – A Helpful Guide

Peppol’s usage is rapidly spreading as more countries implement e-invoicing rules and regulations. While some countries have mandated independent national e-invoicing systems, the majority of European countries...

Romania 2024 eInvoicing Country Sheet

The Ministry of Public Finance in Romania has transposed Directive 2014/55/EU through Law 199/2020 on electronic invoicing in public procurement. The law was implemented on 8 September 2020. The use of the extra year...


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