


Polandis one of the 27 Member States of the European Union.

Basic VAcTs

Latest update 01.06.2024
Country ISO Code PL
EU Member State Yes
VAT Rates  
Standard VAT Rate 23%
Reduced VAT Rate 8%
Special Reduced VAT Rate

4% + 5% + 7%

VAT Compliance  
Standard VAT Return filing period Monthly *
Standard VAT Return filing deadline 25th day of the second month following the filing period

VAT Representation required for non-resident

Yes, mandatory for non-EU businesses
except Norway and United Kingdom
Record retention period 7 years (10 years relating to immovable property)
Electronic invoicing Not mandatory for B2B transactions
Real-time reporting n.a. *
Special Rules  
General domestic reverse charge for domestic
supplies of goods by non-resident businesses?
Yes, domestic supplies of goods by non-resident
businesses to VAT registered B2B customers
Other domestic reverse charge mechanisms? Yes, e.g. supplies of specific goods (e.g. scrap,
waste materials), supply of CO2-certificates
Postponed Accounting on Import Yes, under conditions
VAT Grouping possible? Yes
VAT Refunds for non-EU businesses? Iceland, Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland and
some other countries (to be verified on a
case-by-case basis)
Link to VAT Law HERE
Remarks * SAF-T file (VAT ledgers) must be
submitted together with the VAT Return

Here's an overview of the latest VAT news for this country.




VAT news