
Country Overviews

If you are a business, trading goods or services within the European Union, VAT compliance is essential. But what about the rules in each EU country?

On we bring you the latest VAT news from around the world, 24/7, 365 days per year. But you may feel somewhat overwhelmed if you are simply looking for a VAT rate, a filing deadline, or the latest news for a specific country.

Our website now features a convenient overview of the fundamental VAT rules for each country. Rates, deadlines, and specific details – all in one place. Plus, stay up-to-date with the latest news for that specific country.

How it works? Simply click on the country and you will go to the specific country page right away.



Note that these pages have been set-up recently, and will be maintained, expanded and improved in the coming weeks and months.

If you are an advisory firm, we challenge you to check the basic data for your own country. In fact, we offer you the opportunity to ‘adopt’ a country page, and keep us informed of any updates for your country. You can promote your services and events on the country-specific page, and benefit from targeted exposure to businesses and individuals interested in VAT compliance and advice for your country.

For more details and to explore this and other advertising options, please contact our team at [email protected]. We look forward to helping you connect with your target audience!