In this episode of VAT Talks we speak with Alfredo Collosa, who has been working in taxation (with i.a. AFIP, CIAT and IMF) for more than 30 years. We are pleased to discuss VAT with a tax expert from Latin-America, as that region pioneered in the usage of e-invoicing and invoice reporting systems (see Figure 1). In this article, Alfredo explains why this development could occur specifically in Latin-America, we discuss the differences between Latin-America and the EU and he tells us why taxation is not boring at all.
Note from the editors: we especially like the comment that taxes are not boring: “If you look closer and see what the taxes are used for, you’ll see that it is used for building schools, hospitals, public services, to financing crises like Covid-19 and strengthen the rule of law, so taxes are very important in our lives, they are not boring.”