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ECJ/CJEU – Agenda of the Court till March 31, 2020 (status Nov 27, 2019)

Week 51 Wednesday 18/12/2019 Hearing C-231/19 Blackrock Investment Management (UK) Exemption – Single supply of management services EN N/A
Thursday 19/12/2019 Opinion C-446/18 AGROBET CZ Excess input VAT; assessment and payment conditional upon completion of procedure relating to the total of the taxable transactions in a given tax period has been closed CS Advocate General : Kokott
Week 2 Thursday 16/01/2020 Opinion C-716/18 AJFP Caraş-Severin and DGRFP Timişoara Economic activity – Let of immovable property RO Advocate General : Kokott
Week 5 Wednesday 05/02/2020 Hearing C-835/18 Terracult Correction of invoices – Tax assessment RO N/A


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