- Abolishment of Register and Recap Statement: Effective July 1, 2029, the requirement for a register for transfers of goods and related reporting in the recap statement will be eliminated, streamlining compliance processes for businesses.
- Introduction of Digital Reporting and Electronic Invoicing: Starting July 1, 2030, real-time data reporting will replace recap statements for intra-community supplies, and electronic invoicing will be mandated, with new definitions and requirements ensuring compliance with EU standards, including immediate data transmission for specific transactions.
- Domestic Digital Reporting Options: Member States can require digital reporting for domestic transactions, mandating real-time data transmission for e-invoices and allowing flexibility in the types of transactions and taxable persons subject to these requirements, while ensuring adherence to EU electronic invoicing standards.
See also
- ViDA – Changes to the EU VAT Directive 2006/112 – Old vs. New articles – VATupdate
- ViDA Directive – Updated Draft Council Directive 2006/112/EC & Updated with ViDA amendements
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