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VAT on Property Transactions with Additional Services

  • The page has been updated due to the publication of the statement “Transactions that include a right to property together with other parts”.
  • Three other statements are no longer applicable: “Access to premises for a shorter period as part of a single composite supply”, “Granting of a guaranteed office space with certain goods and services”, and “Rental of premises equipped with certain equipment for healthcare activities”.
  • Some judgments from the Administrative Court and advance rulings have been removed.
  • The section below has been moved to the heading “One or more transactions
  • when subordinate transactions are specifically regulated by law”.
  • Four examples have been moved from the section on one or more transactions:
  • Meeting rooms, auditoriums, classrooms, and similar premises
  • Short-term rental of premises or facilities for sports activities
  • Premises for conferences, theater, banquet halls, and similar
  • Sidewalks, street areas, vacant land, etc.
  • Market trading and markets


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
