- Argentina has issued General Resolution 5623/2024
- The resolution extends the suspension of advance VAT collection on imports of basic necessities
- Items affected include food, medicines, and cleaning products
- Previous regulations established tax regimes for income and value-added taxes on imports
- Exceptions to these tax regimes were initially set for a period of 120 days
- Extensions have been granted for imports by micro, small, and medium enterprises with a valid MiPyME certificate
- The new extension will last until December 31, 2024
- This extension continues the economic policies aimed at supporting essential goods and small businesses
- Various administrative and legal departments have reviewed and approved the extension
- The resolution is authorized under multiple legislative and decree powers
Source: boletinoficial.gob.ar
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.