- Gerechtshof s-Hertogenbosch issued a ruling on December 17, 2024
- Case involved fiscal fraud in a major case named Kameleon
- The accused was an auto dealer
- He included five false purchase invoices related to large-scale VAT fraud in his records
- This action falsified part of his business administration
- The accused also submitted an incorrect VAT return
- In the return, he wrongly claimed a VAT refund of 207,371 euros
- He laundered this amount by mixing it with other bank balances and using it
- The fiscal fraud chamber of the court sentenced the accused to a community service of 125 hours or alternatively 62 days in detention, considering the time already spent in custody
Source: uitspraken.rechtspraak.nl
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.