- The registration form for the myDATA REST API testing environment was published on the Independent Authority for Public Revenue’s website
- This REST API interface uses Microsoft Azure public cloud infrastructure and targets businesses and professionals with computerized accounting systems
- It allows ERP and other accounting and commercial systems to connect seamlessly with the AADE for data exchange
- Specific functionalities offered include sending data for issued invoices, sending and receiving income and expense classifications, and receiving data for invoices issued to the business and transmitted by respective issuers
- New test URLs for the testing environment include various endpoints for sending and requesting invoices and classifications for both ERP and PROVIDER systems
- Technical descriptions of the REST API interfaces for data transmission and reception for ERP users are available online
- Further details can be found on Taxheaven’s website
Source: taxheaven.gr
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.