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e-VAT compliance notification: what the form looks like and what is the submission procedure

  • The NAF has recently put into public debate the draft order for the approval of the model and content of the form “Notification of RO e-TVA compliance”, as well as the notification transmission procedure.
  • The model and content of the “RO e-VAT pre-filled return” form were approved by Order of the President of the National Fiscal Administration Agency no. 3775/2024.
  • In the situation where significant differences are identified between the pre-filled values and the values completed by the taxable person, the National Fiscal Administration Agency notifies the taxable person by electronic means.
  • The model of the “RO e-TVA compliance notice” form and the transmission procedure are approved by order of the president of the National Fiscal Administration Agency.

The RO e-TVA compliance notice is sent to taxpayers/payers (…) in the situation where significant differences are identified between the pre-filled values ​​through the statement pre-filled RO e-TVA and the values ​​filled in by the taxable person registered for VAT purposes through the value added tax statement. The RO e-TVA compliance notice contains information on the significant differences between the values ​​filled in by the taxable person registered for VAT purposes through the value added tax statement (form 300) and the pre-filled values ​​through the RO e-TVA pre-filled statement” , it is explained in the new order, but with the important specification that only the following lines from the two documents are compared:

  • 9. Deliveries of goods and services, taxable at the rate of 19% ;
  • 10. Deliveries of goods and services, taxable at the rate of 9% ;
  • 11. Deliveries of goods and services, taxable at the rate of 5%



VAT news
VAT news
