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VAT Treatment of ‘Dip Pots’ in Takeaway Meal Deals: FTT Decision and Implications

  • ‘Dip pots’ supplied as part of a takeaway meal deal are considered part of a single standard-rated supply of hot food for VAT purposes
  • Queenscourt Ltd initially accounted for VAT on dip pots as part of meal deals, then changed their view and reclaimed VAT from HMRC
  • HMRC agreed to repay the VAT initially, but later refused a further claim for VAT on dip pots in meal deals
  • Queenscourt appealed to the FTT, arguing that dip pots were a separate zero-rated supply for VAT purposes
  • FTT determined that dip pots in meal deals are an ancillary supply to the hot food, not a separate item
  • FTT concluded that typical consumers purchase meal deals with dip pots as an accompaniment to the hot food, not as a separate item


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
VAT news
