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Impact of Amended Value Added Tax Law on Citizens and Businesses: Direct Implications

  • Proposed amendments to the Value Added Tax Law will directly impact the rights and interests of organizations, individuals, citizens, and businesses.
  • The National Assembly discussed the draft amendments to the Value Added Tax Law in a plenary session on June 24.
  • There were 63 opinions expressed during the discussion, mostly in agreement with the need to amend the law to align with the Party’s principles and address current limitations.
  • Delegates provided input on various aspects of the draft law, including the necessity of enacting and implementing the law, taxable objects, tax-exempt objects, tax rates, input VAT deduction, and tax refunds.
  • The amendments aim to improve the tax policy in line with economic and social development goals and previous reform strategies.
  • Specific changes related to tax-exempt objects were proposed to ensure consistency with other specialized laws.
  • It is essential to review and amend provisions regarding tax-exempt objects to eliminate or add certain goods and services to align with practical needs.
  • The amendments will have a direct impact on the rights and interests of organizations, individuals, citizens, and businesses.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
