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Estonia Blocks European VAT Reform for Uber, Bolt, and Airbnb: The Veto Power Explained

  • Estonia is blocking European tax reforms that would impose VAT on digital platforms like Uber, Bolt, and Airbnb
  • Other EU countries see the reform as essential for creating a fairer tax environment and preventing unfair competition with traditional sectors
  • Estonia argues that the reform disadvantages small businesses and proposes a voluntary opt-in approach, which has been rejected by the EU
  • Euro Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis expressed disappointment at Estonia’s veto and emphasized the need for fair taxation in the platform economy
  • Estonia opposes the Commission’s proposal as it would disproportionately burden small entrepreneurs using platforms like Uber and Airbnb
  • Italy and Spain are pushing for a European agreement to collect VAT revenues from platforms like Airbnb and
  • Estonia is not opposing measures to combat VAT fraud, indicating its specific opposition to parts of the reform that burden small entrepreneurs.


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