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European Council not adopting ViDA (again)

  • In the ECOFIN session dd. June 21, 2024, there was no significant change in the positions on passing the “VAT in the Digital Age” (ViDA) package. Despite efforts and compromise proposals,
  • Estonia maintained their view of not being able to join the broad agreement and refused support for the updated text.
  • The file was handed over to the Hungarian presidency.
  • The importance of digitalization requirements in VAT and the broader economic context of the single European Market was highlighted, with political agreement on the ViDA package being the top agenda item.
  • Seventeen member states explicitly voiced their support, but Estonia still maintains its position due to concerns about the proposed “deemed supplier” rules and the option to “opt-out.”
  • Spain stressed the importance of maintaining the integrity of the package, while Germany urged consideration of the compromise.
  • The Hungarian Minister of Finance assured continued efforts under their presidency.

Source The Invoicing Hub

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