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New analysis of the EU reporting landscape 2011-2024 exposes legal certainty issues

In recent years, tax reporting has transformed due to technological advancements and regulatory initiatives, with digital tools and Big Data revolutionizing how tax authorities gather, analyze, and utilize information. This has significantly increased the reporting burden on companies and created difficult assessment issues for businesses and tax authorities. Concerns over legal certainty have emerged as crucial considerations, particularly regarding predictability, proportionality, and objectivity.

The EU tax landscape involves a large amount of data and complex rules, with the purpose of information gathering being to combat tax evasion and various forms of tax avoidance. Since 2011, several reporting requirements related to taxation and accounting have been implemented at the EU level, rooted in the OECD’s BEPS work. Proposals for more reporting requirements have been put forward, and additional ones may be proposed in the future.

An analysis focuses on the evolving EU reporting landscape from 2011 to 2024, charting the implementation of 14 significant reporting directives across tax and accounting areas. These directives, intended to enhance transparency and combat financial misconduct, have been criticized for being too far-reaching and having a negative impact on legal certainty principles, particularly the principle of proportionality.



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