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Common VAT Number Errors in VIES: KvK Advises Entrepreneurs on Correct Usage

  • The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) notes that many sole proprietors receive an error message (‘invalid VAT number for cross-border transactions within the EU’) in the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES).
  • KvK clarifies that the VAT identification number should be used in the VIES system, not the turnover tax number.
  • When the correct VAT identification number is used, the system responds positively with ‘yes, valid VAT number’.
  • In VIES, entrepreneurs check VAT numbers of other companies and their own.
  • Entrepreneurs sometimes mistakenly use the turnover tax number instead of the VAT identification number.
  • Sole proprietors receive two numbers from the Tax Authorities: a VAT identification number and a turnover tax number.
  • The turnover tax number is only for contact with the Tax Authorities, such as for tax returns, and is based on the citizen service number (BSN).
  • The VAT identification number is unique for all business forms, including sole proprietors and freelancers, and is not linked to the BSN.
  • The VAT identification number is used for contact with customers and suppliers in the Netherlands and the EU, and appears on the entrepreneur’s website and invoices.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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