Maarkedal Muziekbos

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The Evolution and Updates of Belgium’s Co-operative Tax Compliance Programme (CTCP)

The Belgian Co-operative Tax Compliance Programme (CTCP) was launched in 2018 to achieve faster legal certainty for companies and enhance compliance with tax obligations. It shifted from a reactive tax audit approach to a proactive framework based on transparency, trust, and faster legal certainty between tax authorities and taxpayers. Key foundations include a single point of contact, business knowledge, compliance with tax obligations, transparent tax strategy, proactive notification, a robust Tax Control Framework (TCF), and tailored audit strategy. Recently, the tax authorities published an updated CTCP brochure and preparation guide/checklist detailing the requirements for a “well-defined” Tax Control Framework. Updates include phased intake of group entities, updated thresholds for participation, emphasis on a single point of contact, and tailored audit strategy.

Source RTCsuite

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