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National Cloud Invoice Competition: Register, Issue Invoices, Win Cash Prizes!

To encourage businesses to issue e-invoices and guide people to use mobile devices to receive e-invoices, the Ministry of Finance is holding a nationwide competition for businesses to issue e-invoices. The registration period is from June 1 to 30, 2024. The competition period is from July 1 to September 30, 2024. Businesses with higher growth rates in e-invoice issuance will have a chance to win prizes.

The Ministry of Finance has been holding this competition since 2019 and it has been well-received by businesses over the years. This year’s awards include “Outstanding Headquarters Award”, “Outstanding Store Award” and “Best Turnaround Award”. Based on the period from July to September 2023, non-professional e-commerce and utility businesses with a total number of e-invoices issued by the headquarters and its branches (including franchise stores) of 50,001 or more can participate in the “Outstanding Headquarters Award”. For a single institution, if the total number of e-invoices issued is 20,001 or more, you can participate in the “Outstanding Store Award”. In addition, in order to further increase the use of e-invoices in areas with lower usage rates (see attached table), single institutions that issue e-invoices between 5,001 and 20,000, and whose business locations are located in the areas shown in the attached table, can apply for the “Best Turnaround Award”.

The Ministry of Finance urges businesses to combine the concept of corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) and actively integrate the “invoice storage device” rhetoric into the checkout process and strengthen employee training in e-invoice knowledge. Businesses are also encouraged to post e-invoice promotional materials in their business premises and launch preferential schemes to attract consumers to receive e-invoices. This can not only achieve the paperless goal of e-invoices, but also have a chance to win prizes.

For detailed event information, please visit the website.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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