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Digital Transformation in Tax Audit: Electronic Data Submission System

  • Tax inspection processes are undergoing technological transformation and development in the digital age.
  • The “Electronic Data Submission System” (e-Viz) developed by the Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance allows taxpayers to submit their records and documents electronically.
  • The e-Viz system allows for the electronic submission of records and documents during tax audits, following recent legislative changes.
  • The system enables taxpayers to perform various tasks digitally, such as submitting electronic records and documents, managing submission processes, and tracking the progress of submissions.
  • The e-Viz system consists of two main components: the Authorization Identification System (YTS) and the Data Submission System.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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VAT news
