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European Commission publishes Management plan 2024 – Taxation and Customs Union

  • Within the ambition to have a carbon neutral continent by 2050, DG TAXUD will continue the dialogue with stakeholders to prepare the definitive implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) as from 2026. In 2024, importers of goods will report on the emissions embedded in imported goods that are within the scope of the regulation. DG TAXUD will notably analyse these data to refine the methodology for declaring the emissions.DG TAXUD will also continue to support the Council negotiations and push for a successful conclusion on the revision of the Energy Tax Directive, proposed in 2021 as an integral part of the Commission’s “Fit for 55” Package.
  • In 2024, DG TAXUD will also continue to support the Council with the aim to secure an agreement on the VAT in the Digital Age package and start working on its implementation to modernise EU VAT rules for today’s economy, reduce administrative burdens for cross-border businesses and safeguard significant revenues for Member States. This package will also allow to fully exploit data and new technologies to ease VAT procedures for businesses, enhance VAT collection and better tackle VAT fraud



  • vatcomsult