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E-Invoicing in Austria: A Brief Overview (B2G mandatory, B2B voluntarily)

  • B2B : Voluntarily
  • B2G: Mandatory
  • B2C: Voluntarily

Austria’s e-invoicing landscape combines both mandatory and voluntary approaches across different sectors. Let’s break it down:

  • Mandatory E-Invoicing for Public Procurement:
    • Since 2014, Austrian public entities have been mandatory recipients of e-invoices in the European standard format EN 16931.
    • This requirement ensures that invoices are submitted electronically and streamlines the invoicing process for government departments.
  • B2B E-Invoicing:
    • While e-invoicing is not mandatory for B2B transactions in Austria, it is encouraged.
    • Businesses can utilize e-invoicing voluntarily for their transactions.
    • The Unternehmensserviceportal (USP) portal facilitates B2B e-invoicing.
  • Formats Supported:
    • E-invoices in Austria can be sent in either of the following formats:
      • ebInterface: The national XML standard for e-invoicing.
      • PEPPOL: Used for sending e-invoices outside Austria, especially when dealing with foreign invoicing parties.
  • Legal Basis:
    • The 2012 ICT Consolidation Act (IKT-Konsolidierungsgesetz) mandates that all contracting partners of the federal government, including foreign partners, must submit structured electronic invoices for goods and services provided to government departments.
    • The national transposition of Directive 2014/55/EU is contained in the BVergG 2018 §368.
  • Platform:
    • serves as a data transfer method for delivering structured electronic invoices (e-invoices) to the Austrian public sector and other recipients.
    • The platform supports ebInterface and Peppol-UBL as standard formats for e-invoices.
    • Since January 2022, the platform exclusively supports the XML invoicing format ebInterface versions 4.3, 5, and 6.
    • Peppol invoices can also be received via the Peppol eDelivery Network.

In summary, while e-invoicing is not mandatory for B2B transactions, Austria has established robust systems for e-invoicing in public procurement and encourages voluntary adoption in the private sector.


See also

  • Join the Linkedin Group on Global E-Invoicing/E-Reporting/SAF-T Developments, click HERE



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