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Circular No. 735: Tax Measures Under 2024 Finance Act in Morocco

  • Circular No. 735 has been posted by the Moroccan General Tax Administration
  • The circular covers tax measures under the 2024 Finance Act
  • Topics covered include expanded VAT exemptions, aligned VAT rates, new VAT reverse charge regime, and new withholding tax regime for VAT
  • Clarifications are provided for VAT regime applicable to building rentals and corporate tax rates
  • Improved tax compliance measures and simplified tax calculation procedures are included
  • Deductibility of social security contributions for professionals, self-employed workers, and self-employed persons is clarified
  • Other procedural measures aimed at improving tax administration and efficiency are mentioned


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


VAT news
