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Steering Through Malaysia’s e-Invoice Landscape: Diving into the requirements

  • Malaysia is moving towards implementing a digital tax environment, and understanding the e-Invoicing system is crucial for businesses in the country.
  • The implementation of e-Invoicing in Malaysia was initially planned for June 2024 but has been deferred to August 2024.
  • The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) has issued guidelines for the phased implementation, which will span from June 2024 to January 2027.
  • The e-Invoicing requirements in Malaysia are governed by the Continuous Transaction Control (CTC) regime, and businesses need to comply via the MyInvois Portal or an API interface.
  • The e-Invoicing initiative is part of Malaysia’s national eCommerce strategic roadmap and aims to streamline tax calculation and enhance real-time compliance.
  • ….

Source RTCsuite

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