The Constitutional Court decided, on Wednesday Oct 18, 2023, that the draft law on fiscal-budgetary measures, for which the Government assumed responsibility, is constitutional. New fees may come into effect.
- VAT increases for certain products. 5% VAT is maintained on books, newspapers, magazines, museums and cultural events, the delivery of firewood and thermal energy. Increases from 5% to 9% VAT on tickets to shows, concerts, cultural and sporting events, delivery of social housing, delivery of high-quality food, delivery and installation of photovoltaic panels, solar thermal panels, heat pumps and other systems high efficiency heating. Increases from 9% to 19% VAT on the delivery of non-alcoholic beer and food with added sugar.
- Excise taxes on cigarettes and alcohol are increasing.
- The national RO e-Seal System is established in order to ensure compliance with the traceability of road transport of goods on the territory of Romania.
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(Editorial comment: This may also include the implementation of the E-Invoicing and E-Reporting mandate starting January 1, 2024).