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Changes to e-Invoice (structured invoice) from September 2023. Current template. How to issue?

  • The Ministry of Finance in Poland defines an e-invoice (structured invoice) as an invoice issued using the National e-Invoice System (KSeF) with a unique identifying number in the system.
  • The current version of the structured invoice is FA(2), which replaced the previous version FA(1) from September 2023.
  • From July 1, 2024, it will be mandatory to issue invoices using KSeF.
  • The Ministry of Finance provides commercial accounting software and free tools for issuing structured invoices.
  • The Ministry of Finance plans to release a mobile application for convenient and fast issuance and management of structured invoices.
  • The structure of the FA(2) version of the structured invoice includes mandatory, optional, and facultative fields.
  • The maximum number of characters allowed for alphanumeric fields is generally 256, with some exceptions.
  • Polish diacritical marks must be entered using UTF-8 encoding.
  • Numeric fields should be entered as a sequence of digits, with decimal places indicated by a dot.
  • Dates should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, and time should be in the format HH:MM:SS.
  • Polish tax identification numbers (NIP) should be entered in the NIP field, not in the NrVatUE or NrID fields.


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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