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Abolition of the provision of Special Sponsorship for the Purchase or Construction of a Residence

The Ministry of Finance announces that a six-month extension has been granted for the submission of applications by interested parties, who have not previously submitted an application to claim sponsorship, in view of the abolition of the special sponsorship for the purchase or construction of a new residence (“VAT refund”), which granted pursuant to the provisions of the Special Sponsorship (Purchase or Construction of Residence) Law 91(I)/2006.

The special sponsorship is granted in cases of acquisition of a new residence based on a purchase and sale document or an agreement for the construction of a residence between a contractor/contracting company and the owner, which was concluded before 1.10.2011 and which is used as a main and permanent place of residence.

Those interested can submit a request by completing the relevant application form as shown below. Information on the conditions for granting the special sponsorship and the supporting documents that must accompany the application are contained in the application form.



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