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Spain publishes draft for B2B e-invoicing system

Spain’s Economic Affairs Ministry published a draft of a Royal Decree on how electronic invoicing between businesses (B2B) will work in the country.

  • Businesses can use either a public e-invoicing solution or a private e-invoicing platform to send invoices to their customers.
  • ‍Private invoicing platforms will be allowed to use four e-invoice formats: UBL, Facturae, CII, or EDIFACT.
  • Rhe first step is for the Government to approve and publish this Royal Decree. 12 months after, large companies (+€8M revenues) will need to start issuing e-invoices, and, 24 months after, it will be the turn of the smaller companies.
  • In due course, buyers will also need to inform the seller of whether they accept the invoice and when they paid it.



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