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VATupdate website updated

The VATupdate Team is constantly improving its processes and technology to offer you the latest VAT news from around the world. Here is an update on the latest changes on our website.

Event Calendar

As VAT practitioners we know that it can be difficult to keep up to date with the latest developments. Luckily, you can find all these developments on our website. But sometimes you are interested in the interpretation or the practical use of certain trends and new rules. Webinars en conferences can help you with gaining this insight, from enthusiastic speakers and from the contacts with peers.

We now have a seperate calendar on our site, which you can find HERE.

Currently, it’s only showing the events that we are aware of. If you know of an Indirect Tax event that is not there yet, please let us know by sending us an email at [email protected]


Technology is an important topic for many VAT people. VAT is not only learning and applying the rules, but also ensuring that all the relevant data is collected, processed, and reported. Preferably correct, complete and on-time. And ERP-systems, Real-time reporting, Electronic invoice are all topics that (or should be) making our lives easier.

On our website we show you the latest court cases and changes in the VAT legislations. But we also offer you the news on the latest VAT technology developments. With the technology part becoming bigger every day, we decided to create a dedicated page to all technology-related contact.

You can find the new page HERE.

Right now, it is a selection from the news on the ‘main page’. But we are working on some specific content that focuses on the ‘hands-on-side’ of VAT. If you would be interested in sharing your content or ideas, please let us know by sending us an email at [email protected]

Our Sponsors

You may have seen it already, but earlier this year we created a separate page to highlight our sponsors. You can find them HERE.

Please show them some love, as without them we wouldn’t be able to continue our website.

Should you be interested in joining them and have your banner or logo be shown more than one million times per year, please let us know by sending us an email at [email protected]

You can find all of the above at the top of each page:

Try clicking on it, it will make your day a little brighter! 😉


VAT news
