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What Does Being PEPPOL Compliant Mean?

PEPPOL is a standard for exchanging electronic documents like invoices, ensuring they are easy to send and receive. Being PEPPOL compliant means documents can be easily processed by public and private authorities in the...

Malaysian e-Invoicing New Guidelines Published

The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN) has released new guidelines and a Software Development Kit (SDK) for the implementation of its Continuous Transaction Control (CTC) e-invoicing model, MyInvois. The MyInvois...

2024 Norway 2024 eInvoicing Country Sheet

The responsible entities for electronic invoicing in Norway are the Ministry of Government Administration and Modernisation (KMD), the Ministry of Finance (FIN), and the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial...

Lithuania 2024 eInvoicing Country Sheet

The Ministry of the Economy is responsible for the legislation related to procurement by contracting entities in the field of water management, energy, transport, or postal services. The legislation includes amendments...



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