This edition of VAT News highlights the ECJ’s judgement in the joined cases Larentia and Minerva, andMarenave Schiffahrts regarding input VAT recovery entitlement for ‘active’ holding companies, the new rules introduced in Japan for electronically supplied services, and changes considered in New Zealand in relation to the taxation with GST of imported goods and services.
Other items of interest include:
- a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding exemptions and supplies by intermediaries
- e-invoicing for B2B transactions and e-submission of transaction details in Italy
- an increase in the Intrastat arrivals threshold for 2016 in Germany
- a new online VAT information system beginning January 1, 2017 in Spain
- a VAT implementation update from the Gulf Cooperation Council in UAE
- a proposed change to VAT treatment of imported e-services in South Korea
- a new GST liability for remote goods vendors effective July 1, 2017 in Australia
- a Government discussion document on GST treatment of imported goods and services in New Zealand.