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Recent amendment to UCC Implementing Act relaxes requirements supplier’s declarations for transitional rules of origin

According to the amendment of the Implemented Act, if the supplier’s declarations do not contain a reference to a specific type of rules of origin, the products supplied are deemed to comply with the rules of origin under both the PEM Convention and the transitional rules. Exceptions include certain agricultural products (namely tariff chapters 2, 4-15, 16 (except for processed products of sea-fishing) and chapters 17-24, for which the transitional rules may, on the contrary, be stricter. This simplification also does not apply when the supplier’s declaration is made using cumulation with a EUROMED country which has not yet acceded to the transitional rules.

Should the products in question meet only the more lenient transitional rules of origin, the supplier is still obliged to indicate this fact in the supplier’s declaration by expressly mentioning the “transitional rules”.



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