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Plastic and Packaging Laws in Hong Kong

1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastic waste in your jurisdiction?

In Hong Kong, there are a number of laws, regulations, and initiatives which apply to packaging and plastics waste.  Not including those which may relate to industrial waste disposal which may be more applicable to the manufacture of packaging and plastics, the most relevant laws, regulations and initiatives which relate to waste (being packaging or plastics) are:-

  • Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap.354) is used to enforce controls on waste disposal, including collection and disposal and the import and export of waste.
  • Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603) (PERO) provides the shared core elements of all Producer Responsibility Scheme (PRSs) and the fundamental regulatory requirements in respect of individual types of product.
    • As a part of PRSs, Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme aims to reduce the excessive use of plastic shopping bags (PSBs) through a direct economic disincentive imposed on consumers as a mandatory charge.
  • Promotion of Recycling and Proper Disposal (Product Container) (Amendment) Ordinance 2016 provides a statutory regulatory framework for the glass beverage containers, including the operation details of the scheme, such as registration, submission of returns and payment of recycling levy by beverage suppliers

Source CMS Law


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