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OECD Tax Transparency in Africa 2022 Report

The OECD has announced the launch of its report Tax Transparency in Africa 2022 during the 11th meeting of the Africa Initiative.

African countries making good strides on tax transparency

14/06/2022 – Launched today during the 11th meeting of the Africa Initiative, Tax Transparency in Africa 2022 documents the region’s latest progress in tackling tax evasion and other illicit financial flows (IFFs) through transparency and exchange of information (EOI) for tax purposes.

The report covers 38 African countries and is a co-production of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, the African Union Commission and the African Tax Administration Forum. It measures the impact of the Africa Initiative’s work and details capacity-building activities carried out by the Global Forum and its partners in 2021.

Source Orbitax


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