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Taxation in the metaverse: Some preliminary considerations

The metaverse or meta-universe (acronym for “meta-” ‘beyond’ and “universe”) is a concept that denotes the next generation of the internet, which describes an immersive and multi-sensory experience in the applied use of various devices and technological developments on the internet[1]. The term comes from the science fiction novel Snow Crash written by Stephenson.

The Metaverse is a collective virtual open space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical and digital reality. Is physically persistent and provides enhanced immersive experiences.

In a broader sense, the metaverse can refer not only to virtual worlds, but to the multidimensional experiences of internet use and application as a whole, especially the spectrum that combines web 2.0, augmented reality, third-dimensional technology (3D) and virtual reality.

Activities that take place in isolated environments (purchase of digital land and construction of virtual houses, participation in a virtual social experience, etc.) will eventually take place in the Metaverse.



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