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International fight against VAT fraud: Strengthen the EU’s VAT cooperation with Norway

International fight against VAT fraud: Commission puts forward Recommendation to strengthen the EU’s VAT cooperation with Norway

The Commission has today published its Recommendation to step up cooperation between the EU and Norway in the fight against Value-Added Tax (VAT) fraud and recovery of claims. The EU-Norway Agreement on administrative cooperation, fight against fraud and assistance on recovery of claims in the field of VAT originally entered into force in 2018 and is the first of its kind with a non-EU country. Estimates show that the already successful relationship in this area alerted Member States to potential VAT fraud losses of around €5 billion since 2020. The Agreement enables the tax authorities of the EU and Norway to exchange information and to carry out joint activities to fight VAT fraud similar to those in place within the EU. Today’s Recommendation from the Commission seeks the green light from the Member States to re-open negotiations with Norway in order to strengthen cooperation even further, in particular through new information exchange tools and joint enquiries. More information on the EU-Norway Agreement, as well as the text of the draft Recommendation, is available online.




VAT news


  • vatcomsult
  • Zampa (AD)