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Input VAT refund policy expanded

China’s Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation (STA) issued guidance on 21 and 22 March 2022 (Circulars No. 14 and 4) that allows qualifying taxpayers to obtain a refund for excess input VAT credits on a monthly basis. Circular No. 14 sets out the new policy and Circular No. 4 includes the implementing rules. On 24 March, the STA issued Circular No. 15, which provides an exemption from VAT for small-scale taxpayers for the period 1 April through 31 December 2022. These new policies—which apply as from 1 April—are designed to ease the burdens on businesses, support the development of micro and small enterprises, boost the manufacturing and other sectors, and enhance the confidence of market participants.

Source: BDO


VAT news
VAT news
