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The e-Invoice template is available on ePUAP

  • The published formula takes into account the comments submitted during the tests to the draft structure of the structure.
  • e-Invoice will be effective from January 1, 2022.

The e-Invoice logical structure model (FA_VAT) is available in the Central Repository of Electronic Document Patterns (CRWDE) on the ePUAP platform .

The published formula takes into account the comments made as part of the tests of the draft version of the structure, started in October 2021. Thank you for the comments submitted during the tests.

The main changes are:

  • changing descriptions of member country codes and currency codes
  • changing the definition of the TAdres element, including adding a new TGLN type
  • adding the TZnakowy20 element
  • change of TNumerKSeF element definition
  • changing the definition of selected character elements to the integer type
  • entering the maximum number of occurrences of some elements, eg Transport, Shipment By
  • update of descriptions of some elements, eg P_15, P_18A
  • adding new grouping elements, e.g. Partial Payments, PlanDates, Agreements, Orders.

The structure will apply from January 1, 2022.

Work is currently underway on adapting the test environment to send files according to the updated pattern . We plan to make the updated test environment available on December 13, 2021 – we will inform about it in a separate announcement.

We would like to remind you that Polish entrepreneurs will use e-Invoices voluntarily from January 2022. It will be one of the acceptable forms of documenting sales – next to paper invoices and electronic invoices, which are already in use in economic transactions. We plan that in 2023 entrepreneurs will use e-Invoices obligatorily.

Source Podatki


VAT news
