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Mining and exchange of cryptocurrencies as a tax-exempt service

No right to deduct input VAT related to mining and exchange of cryptocurrencies exists, as

  • The mining of cryptocurrencies (e.g. bitcoins) has gambling character and qualifies as a tax-exempt activity pursuant to Sec 6 para 1 no 9 lit d sublit aa Austrian VAT Act.
  • The exchange of various cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies is to be regarded as a tax-exempt service under Sec 6 para 1 no 8 lit b Austrian VAT Act, analogously to the ECJ case Hedqvist (Federal Tax Court 19.11.2019, RV/5100226/2021).

Source Leitner

See also ECJ C-264/14 (Hedqvist) – Buying and selling Bitcoin is exempt from VAT


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