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VAT Refund for EXPO 2020

Indeed, the UAE Government has ensured that the ease of doing trade during Expo 2020 relieves the stress out of the participating countries. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has issued a Cabinet Decision on VAT Refunds for Expo 2020 participating countries and organizations.

The VAT refund for Expo 2020 is applicable for countries that have established a representative office within the UAE to organize their Expo 2020 site. The initial Cabinet Decision in 2019 that the Cabinet issued has been canceled, and the new Cabinet Definition number 1 of 2020 provides more scope on VAT Refund for the participants. VAT incurred on any goods and services are eligible for a refund. The participants’ claim amount is not less than AED 200 for Expo Special VAT Refund Scheme aims to enable participants to enjoy VAT-free purchases for the Expo Expenses.

Source Farahat


VAT news
