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Observation services for general practitioners not in their own name and for their own account, only mediate in practice observation

Stichting A represents the interests of acting general practitioners and coordinates the observation of the practice. A general practitioner or general practitioner who wishes to take over a service can place an order on A’s website. A then looks for an acting GP who can take over the service. For efficiency reasons, the agreements with general practitioners made via the website are not recorded in writing during the current period. There is also no written record of the agreement between A and a deputy general practitioner. When the services provided to general practitioners are of a substantial nature, such as, for example, the services provided to a GP out-of-hours service, the agreed services are usually laid down by A in a written agreement. General practitioners affiliated with A have a BIG registration, are in possession of legally required documents and a VAR statement. They are not employed by A. They perform their work independently and personally. A invoices the general practitioners and out-of-hours GPs at which it has been observed (hereinafter: the clients) the agreed hourly rate of the acting GP multiplied by the number of hours that he has worked. She then pays this out to the acting general practitioner, with deduction from her surcharge. the clients) the agreed hourly rate of the acting GP multiplied by the number of hours that he has worked. She then pays this out to the acting general practitioner, with deduction from her surcharge. the clients) the agreed hourly rate of the acting GP multiplied by the number of hours that he has worked. She then pays this out to the acting general practitioner, with deduction from her surcharge.

Source BTW jurisprudentie


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