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Registration one-stop shop for VAT e-commerce started

The new EU VAT e-commerce scheme will apply from 1 July. You can now register for the new one stop shop.

Are you a Dutch entrepreneur and do you supply goods in the European Union (EU) to customers who do not have to submit a VAT return? For example, do you have a webshop? Then from 1 July you usually have to pay VAT in the EU countries to which your goods go. This applies to goods that are already in the EU and to goods that you import from outside the EU. To avoid having to register with the tax authorities in all countries where you deliver, a new one-stop shop will be introduced from 1 July. This allows you to handle VAT notifications and payments for these deliveries for all EU countries in one go. You can also use this one-stop-shop for the services you provide to private individuals in the EU. Registration for the one-stop shop started on April 1.

Want to know how to register? Read E-commerce and services: new VAT rules for Dutch entrepreneurs .

More information about the changes from July 1? Read the factsheet E-commerce: new VAT rules from 1 July 2021



VAT news


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