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HMRC Guidance: Complete your VAT Return to account for import VAT – Information about problems accessing January 2021 and February 2021 statements

Update Information about problems accessing January 2021 and February 2021 statements and completing your monthly and quarterly VAT Returns has been added.

What you need to do if you can access your statements

If you have already completed your quarterly return ending January 2021

When completing your VAT return for April 2021 you should revisit the January 2021 statement. You may see up to 3 statements for that month.

You will need to compare your estimate with the figures in the January 2021 statement with an April 2021 production date on each page. You should make any change on your April 2021 return, if necessary.

Completing your quarterly return ending February 2021

Complete your VAT return using the figures available from the January 2021 and February 2021 statements.

The statements for February 2021 are showing as January 2021 in error. However, they will only have February 2021 entries and a March 2021 production date on each page.

Do not include any entries on the January 2021 statement which are duplicated on the February 2021 statement. The total postponed import VAT for the 2 months will be correct once the duplicates have been excluded.

Further versions of both the January 2021 and February 2021 statements will be produced early April 2021. This will remove the duplicate entries and will amend the ‘month’ heading.

You can make a change on your next return, if the figures on these statements are different to those that you included on your VAT return.

Completing your quarterly return ending March 2021

Complete your VAT return using the most recent version of the statements that have been produced for each of the months in this quarter. In most cases there only be one statement headed February 2021. You will see up to 3 statements for January 2021, so should use the one showing an April 2021 production date.

Completing your monthly return ending February 2021

Complete your return using the figures in the statement covering the February 2021 entries. The statement will be shown as January 2021 but will have February 2021 entries, with a March 2021 production date on each page.

Completing your monthly return ending March 2021

Use the most recent statements to review your January 2021 and February 2021 returns. In most cases there should be one statement headed February 2021. For January 2021, you will see up to 3 statements, so you should use the one showing an April 2021 production date.

Find out how to account for import VAT on your VAT Return if you’re using postponed VAT accounting.


  1. Problems with access to and accuracy of monthly VAT statements
  2. Overview
  3. How to complete your VAT Return
  4. If you use a VAT Accounting Scheme
  5. If you delay your customs declaration
  6. If you are a VAT group representative member
  7. Transactions or movements of goods which span the end of the transition period
  8. How to complete your VAT return if you have problems with your monthly statements



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