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Digital VAT Package translated into the local law and further changes to be expected 2021

The draft of the Annual Tax Law 2020 (Jahressteuergesetz 2020, or JStG 2020) recently published by the German Federal Government amends a large number of tax laws, including the German VAT Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz, or UStG) and the German VAT Ordinance (Umsatzsteuer-Durchführungsverordnung, or UStDV). It mainly provides for the implementation of the Digital VAT Package, which involves a complete redesign of the distance sales regime, but also includes several other important amendments. It should be noted that the JStG 2020 is only a draft at present, so its current wording may be withdrawn or amended and new measures may still be added.

Source Mihaela Merz


VATIT Compliance
