VAT related:
- DAC 7: proposals bring VAT into DAC’s scope by stating that the communicated information between EU member states may also be used for the assessment, administration and enforcement of VAT and other indirect taxes.
- Q4 2021: update and simplify VAT rules for financial services;
- 2022: possible legislative proposal to update VAT special scheme for travel agents;
- 2022: review VAT rules on passenger transport to ensure their coherence with the EU’s green objectives;
- 2022: setting up a VAT dispute prevention and resolution mechanisms;
- 2022: digital VAT package, including updating VAT rules for the sharing economy, moving to a single EU VAT registration, modernising VAT reporting obligations and facilitating e-invoicing.
Source Taxjournal
See also
- VAT highlights of the European Commission’s Tax Action Plan
- European Commission issued Package for fair and simple taxation – VAT priorities ….. have a look!!
- EC Action plan – 25 priorities defined. Fixed establishments and E-Invoicing only being worked in 2022/23
- Overview of indirect tax measures in Commission’s fair and simple taxation package