- Novela ZDDV-1O was updated with instructions number 13/2016 and 3/2020
- Instruction on the 4th amendment of the Instruction on the implementation of the procedure for releasing goods into free circulation with the payment of VAT exempt delivery of goods to another Member State, number 3/2020
- Instruction on the 2nd amendment of the Instruction on formalities related to the payment of import VAT, number 13/2016
- Appendix 2 of Instruction number 3/2020 was updated
- Authorization form, which regulates the authorization for the tax representative for procedure 42/63, in which the authorizing party (importer) states the VAT identification number issued in the country of the authorizing party’s headquarters.
Source: fu.gov.si
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.