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Understanding GST Implications for Operating Retirement Villages: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Purchasing a retirement village as a GST-free going concern
  • Find out when you may need to pay GST if you continue to operate the retirement village
  • If you purchase an operating retirement village as a GST-free supply going concern, you will have an increasing adjustment for GST if you plan to make input taxed supplies through the village
  • The increasing adjustment is worked out as 10% of the sale price × proportion of non-creditable use
  • The input taxed supplies you make are a non-creditable use
  • If the proportion of non-creditable use changes over time, you may need to make additional increasing or decreasing adjustments on your BAS
  • Example: operating retirement village as a GST-free going concern
  • Wren Pty Ltd acquires an established operating retirement village that makes input taxed supplies of accommodation as a supply of a going concern
  • Wren will have an increasing adjustment due to supplying input taxed accommodation in the independent living units
  • The additional GST payable by the purchaser will be $1.158 million
  • For more information, see Retirement villages and tax, Sale of a business as a going concern, Selling a going concern, Goods and Services Tax Ruling GSTR 2002/5 when is a ‘supply of a going concern’ GST-free


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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