- A practice community acting externally with a common purpose is considered an entrepreneur
- A practice community of doctors receiving services for managing their own business does not necessarily provide management services to its members
- A practice community of doctors employing a worker for cleaning services and acquiring tax-free services from subcontractors can claim tax exemption under Art. 132 Abs. 1 Buchst. f MwStSystRL for periods before the introduction of § 4 Nr. 29 UStG if it only charges members the exact share of joint costs and no competition distortions arise
- The defendant’s appeal against the judgment of the Lower Saxony Finance Court dated November 11, 2021, is dismissed as unfounded
- The defendant is responsible for the costs of the appeal process
- The parties dispute the scope of the tax exemption under § 4 Nr. 14 Buchst. d UStG as applicable in the dispute year 2013 and the corresponding EU tax exemption under Art. 132 Abs. 1 Buchst. f MwStSystRL
- The plaintiff, a practice community, was established by a contract for setting up a medical practice community effective January 1, 2013, by two doctors who shared the assets and provided the practice with capital equipment
- The practice community operated on a cost-covering basis without intending to generate profits and was managed solely by one of the doctors, with certain exclusions for legal transactions related to the sole civil ownership of a community member
Source: bundesfinanzhof.de
Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.