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myDATA Registration Form Published for Testing Environment

  • The registration form for the myDATA REST API testing environment was published on the Independent Authority for Public Revenue’s website
  • This REST API interface uses Microsoft Azure public cloud infrastructure and targets businesses and professionals with computerized accounting systems
  • It allows ERP and other accounting and commercial systems to connect seamlessly with the AADE for data exchange
  • Specific functionalities offered include sending data for issued invoices, sending and receiving income and expense classifications, and receiving data for invoices issued to the business and transmitted by respective issuers
  • New test URLs for the testing environment include various endpoints for sending and requesting invoices and classifications for both ERP and PROVIDER systems
  • Technical descriptions of the REST API interfaces for data transmission and reception for ERP users are available online
  • Further details can be found on Taxheaven’s website


Note that this post was (partially) written with the help of AI. It is always useful to review the original source material, and where needed to obtain (local) advice from a specialist.


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